Dilan Harrop Williams

Assisant Development Officer


Dilan Harrop-Williams is a junior at Forest Hills High School and serves as the Assistant Development Officer for JEC NYC. In addition to JEC, Dilans passion for economics has led him to start his highschool Stock Market Club. His interest for the school community is expressed as the Treasurer of his school's student government and President of BLSU. Additionally, he values giving back to the community, which is why he has started coat drives in his old middle school (JHS 157 Halsey) and is managing another one this winter. He is also a member of his school's Track team. In Dilans free time, he enjoys playing basketball, meeting up with friends and watching TV.

School: Forest Hills High School
Hometown: Queens, New York City
Surprising Fact: I recently took an interest in high jump
Interests: Basketball, Track, Music, economics, cooking
Favorite Quote: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world” - Timo Cruz