How Analytics and Research can Address Real-world Problems in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Dr. Paolo Gaudiano is President of ARC, Chief Scientist of Aleria and Adjunct Associate Professor at the NYU Stern School of Business. Dr. Gaudiano is also a Forbes contributor on Diversity & Inclusion, and Chairman of the annual Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference. These activities combine Dr. Gaudiano’s decades of experience in business, technology and academia, to transform how people think about diversity and what they do about it, with the ultimate goal of making our society more inclusive and equitable.
In his presentation on March 14th, “How Analytics and Research can Address Real-World Problems in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” Dr. Gaudiano recounted his personal experiences in being an immigrant from Italy and working in the United States. In speaking about diversity, equity, and inclusion, he discussed the general importance of putting more of an emphasis on being inclusive than solely examining numbers and statistics, and he used a simulation to explain how inclusion leads to both more diversity and numerous economic benefits. Dr. Gaudiano also spoke about the downsides of capitalism, notably how the greed in capitalism is the reason for which we see much of the maltreatment of certain groups of people, and how capitalism, at its core, has been ripped away from societal responsibility.
Members can find a recording of the event on the member page.